Health Insurance for Pilots and Cabin Crew
Global Albatross specialises in worldwide health insurance for pilots, cabin crew and their respective families, delivering award-winning service and additional help and support throughout the life of the policy.
Specifically branded insurance options for pilots and cabin crew provide cover for any accidents or illnesses related to the occupation, such as DVT and contaminated air. Tailored cover provides the ultimate in flexibility, ensuring choice of benefits that suit your situation, needs and budget.
Policy Benefits
- In-patient, day-patient and out-patient treatment
- Emergency evacuation
- Medical repatriation – includes repatriation of mortal remains
- Pre-existing medical conditions – subject to answering ‘no’ to two medical questions
- Cancer treatment
- Chronic conditions
- Transplant Services and Kidney Dialysis
- Specialist Consultations
- Routine pregnancy and childbirth
- Complementary medicine
- Prescribed Medication
- Prescribed Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic treatment, osteopathy, acupuncture and podiatry
- Vaccinations
- Dental Care
- Optical
- Wellness and preventative tests

Policy Features

Easy to apply
A simple application process, with minimal detail required.

Plans cover you and your family members no matter where you reside or travel, including if you choose to leave your career.

Reduce costs
Choice of excess, reducing the cost of premiums by between 6% and 51%. Competitive premiums with a range of payment plans and currencies.

Membership benefits
A membership pack and personalised insurance card is issued to ensure access to quality care at any medical facility in the world.

Nil excess benefits
Excess is per person, per policy year. A nil excess applies for routine pregnancy and childbirth, dental treatment, evacuation, repatriation, wellness, optical and vaccination claims. This means you pay nothing toward these treatments or events.

Continuation of cover
Upon leaving employment as a pilot or cabin crew member, cover for any ongoing medical conditions continues, without the need for further underwriting.

Top-up policy
Those who have a local health insurance policy through an employer can use the eligible claims made on the local policy to use up the excess on these plans.

Blood care programme
Screened blood is provided in an emergency wherever you are in the world. A global network of blood banks provides blood within 12-18 hours, couriered by anaesthetists or paramedics trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and blood transfer.
First class medical cover, no matter where you fly.
Online Portal
Pilots, cabin crew and their families receive free access to an extensive online portal containing the latest information on quality medical facilities globally. This feature includes information on:
Doctors and hospitals Search and find physicians and facilities near where you live and work.
Security profiles Detailed descriptions of security conditions for hundreds of major destinations.
Travel health centre Helpful information when travelling or working away from home.
News and alerts Important health and security updates from around the globe available via email and text.
Destination profiles Information on and details of clinics and hospitals in nearly 1,500 cities worldwide.
Medical translations Country-specific brand names and generic equivalents for over 350 types of medications.
Medical terms and phrases Online translations for understanding unfamiliar medical terms or instructions.
Member Services

One of Global Albatross’ best service features is advocating for our clients 24/7. We consistently turn claims decisions around through applying our intricate knowledge of policies, their inner workings and the fine print. We not only advocate during claim time, but also hold insurers to account over the life of the policy for their underwriting decisions, policy benefits and the level of customer service delivered, ensuring quality decisions and outcomes throughout.

Whether it be managing the refund of prepaid treatment expenses or liaising with the insurer during a medical emergency, we make certain all entitlements available under the policy are delivered. Global Albatross is adept at managing the flow of information between the insurer, medical facility and client, allowing you to focus on any medical situation at hand, rather than dealing with the insurer and financial aspects associated with receiving treatment.

Award-winning service
Global Albatross won ‘Best Individual International Private Medical Insurance Intermediary’ at the Health Insurance Awards in London. The judges noted we are “exactly the sort of intermediary that is a credit to this industry,” provide “real expertise” in broking, and our approach to clients is “open, thorough and unbiased.” We also won Best Adviser for International Clients at the 2019 awards and were finalists in two categories at the global awards in 2018.