A significant change across the entire insurance market has occurred with insurers tightening up on information requirements to decrease their fraud exposure. These processes are now applying to every claimant and the onus is on the policy holder to provide the correct information to ensure outpatient claims get paid.

As insurers expect information pertaining to treatment in its entirety, making certain your doctor includes the following information on the treatment summary will ensure prompt processing of claims:


1) Completed claim form

2) Treatment summary – breakdown of the treatment received and associated costs

3) Treatment report – noting: Your symptoms, the date symptoms were first experienced, a diagnosis, doctor’s recommendations for treatment, if referred, the type of specialist and number of sessions.

4) If tests were undertaken, copies of the results

5) Proof of payment. If paid in cash, this must be specifically noted on the receipt.


If this information is not provided to the insurer, the claims process can be prolonged.

Remember, Global Albatross is here to help outpatient claims get paid. If you receive communication from your insurer about a claim, please contact us so that we can check and manage the flow of information with the insurer. This ensures claims are not unwittingly prejudiced and possibly delayed or declined.


How we help!

Our expertise assists expats in finding cover that best suits an individual or family’s situation, needs and budget. We highlight the differences between insurer’s plans and also point out the differences in the insurers servicing abilities, responsiveness and claims pay-out time frames. Our mantra is, if we wouldn’t buy it for ourselves, we won’t recommend it.

Navigating all the policy options offered by a large number of insurers can be hard, and finding cover that delivers exactly what you need on your own can be even harder. It isn’t until an adverse medical event occurs that expatriates find a crucial element of their cover is missing. Having an independent third-party like Global Albatross can mitigate those risks because we know the areas of cover, the depth of policies, the inclusions and exclusions, and we know the questions to ask. We help ease the burden of relocating, living and working overseas. And our service is free.